So… I Took a *Bit* of a Break

Click play for an audio narration of the post below!

Hey there :)

Yes, I am still alive! Not that anyone was asking me that, but still. I’ve been gone for a hot second, and I’m not even sure how to get back into things at this point.

What started as a slight delay in posting quickly snowballed into a temporary abandonment of Wavy Lady Life altogether. I stopped posting everywhere, and allowed myself to be free of the obligation to focus on other things. My friends’ wedding in July (that I helped coordinate) went swimmingly, and I am both delighted to have participated and wholly thankful that it’s behind me! The shorter term nannying gig I took on with my cousin’s children wrapped up at the end of August, and I was able to start a new part-time position to round out my work week. My husband and I took a much needed vacation at the beginning of September, and I feel even more refreshed than I expected to! I don’t think I realized how much we were pushing towards that week away until we got home – and I felt like we (and our calendar) could breathe again.

The irony is not lost on me that I became overwhelmed right after starting a series about the disconnect between desire and capacity. Clearly, that’s a disconnect that I’m still very much learning to accept and manage! When I first stopped posting, I felt actively stressed about not sticking to my intended blog schedule and leaving things behind without a peep of explanation or warning. But honestly, after that initial anxiety wore off I found myself feeling like I’d been relieved of a burden. That may be too harsh of a word, but I’d be lying if I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief every time I remembered that I didn’t *have* to write a post each week.

It’s funny: the way I talk about it makes it sound like I was being held at gunpoint every week before posting. Starting this blog has carried with it a consistent tug-of-war between my inner creative and my inner perfectionist. On one hand, the ability to share my experiences with the world (whether through these posts or Instagram content) has thrilled the wordy over-explainer that I am. On the other, my drive to “go big or go home” in my creative endeavors has me continuously reeling under the weight of my own expectations.

Because that’s just it… the “expectations” surrounding this blog are fully my own. It becomes weirdly difficult to remind myself of the truth, which is: nobody is forcing me to write a blog or keep up with it in a certain way! It was my choice, and there’s so much I love about it!

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m still figuring it out. If I can’t get my own expectations under control, then I’m much more likely to burn out (perfectly exampled by my recent absence). Am I capable of doing things differently? Probably. Will I realistically do things differently? Not totally sure yet :) But I’d like to try and find out.

I’d still love to post once a week. But I’m going to challenge myself to leave room for changing that if I start to stress. Because this is supposed to be fun! And it can be! There’s literally no reason to be stressed about something that’s simply a creative outlet! (That’s my little pep talk to myself, lol)

So, I do plan to resume posting. We’ll see exactly when that ends up being, but I’m thinking it’ll be soon! I’m not totally sure if I want to pick my series up where I left off, or do something else. We’ll just see :)

To the few of you who read this, I’m thankful for you <3 can you do me a favor? I love the concept of making an audio recording for each post, but I’m not sure if it’s even being utilized. Sometimes, not successfully recording the audio is the thing that keeps me from posting!

So, I’d love to know in the comments if any of you actually use the audio feature. I hate commenting on things too, but please speak up so I know if it’s worth my time! Thanks :)

I’ll see you again soon.

That’s all for now – peace out, peeps!



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11 responses to “So… I Took a *Bit* of a Break”

  1. Susan Colbert Avatar
    Susan Colbert

    I don’t always, but today I used the audio feature because my arm hurts and I didn’t want to hold my phone. LOL

    Nice to hear from you–and fine by me if you just post whenever you darn well feel like it. 😄

    1. Elena Avatar

      Thank you! The support makes me feel very loved <3

  2. Grace moody Avatar
    Grace moody

    Love this!! I read it this time, though I’d maybe listen in the future? If the audio is the Hangup tho I’ll happily be a reader of your content! Keep it coming <3

    1. Elena Avatar

      Thank you!! Good to know :)

  3. Emma Avatar

    I read!!

  4. Momsy Avatar

    Welp, your dear old mom only lessons to the audio! It’s my favorite :-) That’s because you’re my sweetie and I love hearing your voice, and love your style of reading aloud!

    1. Elena Avatar

      Haha, of course!

  5. Angela Smith Avatar
    Angela Smith

    Welcome back!
    I could see where you might be stressed if you think or expect yourself to post every week.
    What if you tried to post random. Those who truly love to follow you will love your posts anytime you post.
    I do listen, but if it is more stress, I could do without the audio.
    Love you😘

    1. Elena Avatar

      Good thoughts, and helpful to know you use the audio! Love you too ❤️

  6. Brooke Avatar

    Welcome back!
    I’m glad you posted about this because I started wondering if I was missing your posts. I love the idea of you posting whenever the creative juices are flowing or when something is on your heart and not feel pressure to have something weekly:) I usually read, but I have used the audio, especially if driving.

    1. Elena Avatar

      Thanks, Brooke!!